
I’m going to take the capitalization of Pink to take it that Burnett was wearing a Thomas Pink shirt rather than just a “pink shirt” and for some reason that amuses me more. Knowing that somehow Tom Arnold recognized the shirt for it’s superior workmanship and clean lines. Or perhaps that mid-struggle Burnett yelled

If Roma Downey didn’t throw a punch and then yell, “You just got touched by an angel bitch!” she really missed a golden opportunity.

Yeah. That’ll turn out well.

I have been looking for this for years! Thank you for doing the lord’s work, Rich.

Who the fuck cares about any of this? Why did I click on this? What am I doing with my life?

You KNOW this funeral is going to be full-up with Starlight mints.

Hope you have an AirBnB account! Or, if you have kids, a lemonade stand.

That comment made my teeth hurt.

And still I can’t stress enough how impressed I am with the musical curation on the show and Valle’s use of it. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a movie or show use so many different styles of music, and so much of it, and yet made it seem so smooth and stylistically cohesive... and always to add texture and spice rather

Totally agree. I was a hard core skeptic of the changes, but the new cast did a good job (even Noel, I thought) and the essence of the programme remains unchanged. Funnily enough, I really warmed to Prue at the very end, when she accidentally tweeted the winner’s name early and was clearly devastated.

Yeah, if it’s not simultaneously being streamed on the same day, forget it. I cannot wait and I have other ways of accessing the can’t miss content.

A friend of mine said she didn't understand how Trump won the election until she joined Nextdoor, then it made perfect sense to her.

My neighborhood Facebook page is filled with paranoid white people. If someone farts wrong, that merits a neighborhood warning. I guarantee there will be an unfortunate interaction with a black person that's going to make CNN. 


Read the article. You have to go through the Apple Store app, not the App Store app. The link in the Apple Store app opens a redeem code screen (like if you used an itunes card) with the code already filled in.

Soooo we’re all in agreeance the husband was definitely in there jerking off and not taking a dump, right?

There needs to be an “Epic Husband Meltdown Stories” column after that.

i’m floored. i wasn’t prepared for that many twists