
It sounds like the exclusive gym the geckos were running on Rocko's Modern Life.

Now playing

Nicki did The Creep looking at the boys in the locker room! I thought I coded it to start at Nicki's part, well go to 1 min and 36 seconds if you want to just see that part.

I see, you're in denial. It's already happened, the fashion industry needs to catch up.

80% of thin women? Last I checked fat people were becoming the majority.

You Have A False Consciousness

So the fashion industry has been unsuccessful in making clothing that fits anyone, outside of one body type?

Stop cyberstalking me, and using my innocent and good attempt to warn someone else about those like you who will do anything to teach someone a lesson, for making a simple mistake.

So that means thin people are entitled only?

Agent Provocateur is a fun site to go to if you like fantasizing about having a lot of money to throw away.

But I need to make up for all the gossip and backstabbing I missed because I was a depressed Goth in high school!

Does this mean they now sell Fruity Oaty Bars at the front?

I didn't know that! I'm sorry, I don't have a news feed implanted into my brain.

When people don't know how to do something, what they do is try to learn how to. For far too long the fashion industries reaction to making fashionable clothing for fat people has been a petulant tantrum akin to, "But I don't wanna, I DON'T WANNA! I DON'T WANNA!" They seem to have no interest in showing they can

Why are you twisting my words?

Not to mention being too thin has health risks too.

What the? Is this the fault of the hipsters or the emos?

So no LuluLemonada?

LoL like the Seinfeld about things that make being naked look horrible, no matter how good looking the person is.

That was a joke? I thought Japan established it as fact.

Does this mean the return of the skort?