Axel Cushing

If he didn’t want to die, he shouldn’t have brought a heavily armed mech into a semi-perpetual firefight with various violent psychopaths.

Nine figures worth of all over it? They were throwing around more money in the run-up to the subprime mortgage disaster, and that was considered a “can’t lose” investment at the time. For a moderately sized and respectable studio, somebody who had a track record of really good games (think BioWare before EA bought

Go back to the part where Goldman Sachs forked over a fifth of a billion dollars, because that’s just making me go bald from all the head scratching.

On the one hand, I feel your pain. I caught hell for panning Diablo III way back, lot of commenters calling me crazy or pronouncing that I hated Blizzard because I dared to say it wasn’t a good game. Still the only negative website review on Metacritic for that game.

The requirement for ornaments to be unlocked which demands you have a full set of armor would be tolerable except you risk being unable to get a full set of armor relying solely on the RNGesus. And since ornament unlocks are not across the board in this Faction Rally (unlike previous instances), the grind is

*hands you a snifter of fine Napoleon brandy and a Cuban cigar*

Weird timing on this one. Just got done playing this chapter last night. I wasn’t fast enough on the draw mentally during the initial “memory wipe” portion, and it was a little soul-crushing. I was half-tempted to restart the chapter and try again, but figured I’d play it out the end, see what happened. Got what was

The cry for grinding was deafening because it came out of a small segment of obnoxiously loud voices, and I can honestly say my voice was not among them. Bungie heard “more grind!” when the voices being drowned out were saying “better grind” or “smarter grind.” So, no, “deal with it” is not the proper response to this

No good can come of this.

On a completely unrelated note: Mila Kunis?

Pretty good chance, really. Epic has released the art assets for Paragon for free, so anybody who uses the Unreal engine could pop them into their game, no fuss, no muss. They did the same thing with Infinity Blade. I’d be surprised if we didn’t see something.

Considering Taylor Swift started off in country music first, then shifted over to pop, this doesn’t seem too awful. Not great, by any stretch of the imagination, but not ear splitting awful. I’m wondering if this wasn’t something dug up out of the morgue, something that got cut from one of her earlier albums and

And yet Gangsta can’t find a new home. WTF?

By golly, this was...dare I say it...nuanced.

I have never before played a game that has literally caused me such physical pain. This is not exaggeration. This is not hyperbole. After every mission I played, I had to save and quit once I got back to base owing to a raging headache and a feeling of intense fatigue. I can sneak around barrows and caves in Skyrim

It’s been a rough six months for me, both on a personal level and as a D2 player. I was playing quasi-regularly, mainly to keep from being in a perma-funk about my situation. But I found myself playing less and less because there were no new challenges, no new worlds to conquer. Curse of Osiris proved to be

That was my reaction. The cast was definitely not B-movie grade, the effects were not B-movie grade, and the script was absolutely not B-movie grade. For me, Excalibur was an excellent movie that brought Arthurian legend to life in a way that you didn’t get from movies like Camelot or The Sword In The Stone.

When the actors playing the titular characters are pounding scotch between takes, it’s not a good sign.

Your DM is way understanding. In theory, a group of bards should be doable, provided they’re differentiated enough beyond their particular performance specialties. At level 1, yeah, that might be a tough row to hoe, but still doable. Still sounds like a fun sort of one-shot, though.

Well, crap.