Axel Cushing

The Cyberpunk RED Jumpstart is a little thin on the fine details. It covers the high points on history and what not, but as far as a street-level view of what happened after Arasaka Tower got nuked, it glosses over a lot of stuff. There’s no handy updated maps of Night City, certainly nothing like Night City Sourcebook

I absolutely miss it. Yeah, for the bulk of one week, I’d fly (or occasionally drive) into LA, find myself whipping pillar to post and back again across the LA Convention Center to meet with PR reps and devs, carry cheap totebags full of T-shirts, daily program magazines, and other bits of swag down to the nearest

For the early portions of the game, the Ronin Outfit helps with both combat and stealth.  The upgrade to move faster is one I’d prioritize.  You may not ever feel like a Koga or Iga ninja, but the stealth mechanics are decent enough to get by.

I can’t play Destiny 2 anymore. Haven’t been able to for over a year now. The ludonarrative dissonance combined with “season fatigue” just completely did me in.  It sucks because I love the setting, I love the lore, but Traveler bless me, I just cannot deal with the crap Bungie keeps coming up with.  It’s like they’re

It’s like hearing about that one cousin who was doing really good, then keeps making stupid choices and screwing up their life, and makes things worse every time they’re faced with a new choice.

I think it’s this part that has me the most concerned:

This just seems monumentally creepy for some reason. Admittedly, from a technical perspective, it’s impressive that an AI could be trained to mimic the style of an artist and produce art which could (at first blush) be mistaken as work from that artist. But then you start going down the rabbit hole. If the Mandela

I may just wait for the inevitable “Director’s Cut” of the game.

During the call, GameStop touted 95% of their stores are profitable. So, they’re closing the 4% of their current stores which are currently unprofitable. I can only theorize roughly 1% of their stores are effectively break even locations. I would also theorize those break even stores will be the next ones on the

It’s possible EGS does not (as of yet) have any sort of voucher system which would allow press copies to be sent out. But one would think Gearbox would be aware of that situation and FedEx or courier over press copies.

I quit playing about four or five months back, not long after “Season of The Drifter.” I logged back in briefly for “Season of Opulence,” but I just couldn’t seem to work up the wherewithal to do it anymore. I’d done Moments of Triumph for four years, from Year 1 of Destiny, and I couldn’t bring myself to do it again

I ran into something like this with the “Enhanced Editions” of Baldur’s Gate and Baldur’s Gate II reviewing for The Armchair Empire. Rather than give us codes, and since you had to log in to Beamdog’s service front-end, we were given press logins instead.  It’s obnoxious and petty.  I’m troubled that Gearbox thought

By this point, I’m surprised Ash isn’t pounding down cheap beer and Fireball to overcome the existential angst he must feel from constantly going through gym battles and never claiming the top spot in the league.

Is it bad that I’m waiting for the bug fix patches to peter out?  Something other than a daily occurrence?

Death by a thousand cuts.

The biggest obstacle to putting out content for Anthem is the Frostbite engine. DICE cooked it up and knew how to make it sing for the Battlefield series, but since EA has rammed it down every one of its studios’ throats, it has been nothing but pain and misery.  “Kludge” is probably the kindest description you can

Was this the list from a couple months ago, or was this an aggregation from several years of attendees?

Why does he look like he’s tripping balls?  Seriously, those eyebrows look like he’s seeing something worse than any drowner or wraith.

Damned good stuff.  Would that I had the money to hire her.

I was pleasantly surprised by the soundtrack to Days Gone. It doesn’t have the licensed tracks you hear when riding out to Lost Lake or Crater Lake for the first time, but overall, it’s really well done. Anthem also has a pretty good soundtrack, a considerably better one than the game itself.