

that is NOT soap there on her leg, REPORTED!

perhaps the world revolves around old beaters and people driving damn too many company cars they couldn't care less about, if they did care , I'd return a favor,as for now,bring it on world. usually i park far away from lazy assholes who want the close spot to whichever Wendy's they're aiming at their fat ass, get

golf gti, anytime any day, no thanks ford, unless you're gunna cost 19k

sorry but i admit i'd do it , when people open doors on your ride and live you marks , even when you try your best, so yeah, i do that. /commence rage.


This comrade is no longer with us.

Now playing

that's new, my dad leaving at 1990 and coming back over the years said it was just worse each time he drove there.

hells to the yeah.

Come on , let Peugeot die in peace.

Congrats to him.

Oh, Hello there puny commuters !

I love my car in Silver, great color all together, when it's a bit dirty, you can barely notice, when some asshat leaves a scratch or anything else it's barely noticeable too unless it's something major, all in all easy to take care of kind of paint.

million 'o pics , here :

Drives his own car!

I'd get arrested for a ride in that'


She is a beauty isn't she?

Damn, I'm from EU and I don't want to import anything else :(
