Hindu is a religion not all people from india are hindu, some are muslim, some are christian, some are buddhists, and so on
Hindu is a religion not all people from india are hindu, some are muslim, some are christian, some are buddhists, and so on
their biggest mistake was how it was introduced i spent like 6 months thinking it was a peripheral for a wii
this is the “I have a black friend” of linguistics
I got a typo there its “Déjenme”
it works both ways lol, hell, go to Guatemala and you get the same thing, and don’t get me started with Argentinian spanish vs the world
Its totally readable and again thats how we speak, you have second hand experience with the language, I’ve spoken it for 33 years, its MY language, you don’t get it? I was born in mexico, live in mexico and speak spanish. That thing is correct.
dude I’ve already got people whitesplaining spanish to me. They “studied” spanish or live in a “pretty big mexican area”. SIGH
Ok then, mira carnal, vivo en México, soy mexicano, hablo español y así es como hablamos y escribimos en el centro. Si quieres busca la frase en google y vas a ver que aparece una y otra vez.
sorry nope, that is the way you would say that in Mexico city: dejenmé se las pongo más fácil.
lol yeah, in any case that really cements her in my mind as Mexican, no one else writes sentences in that way.
No bro thats Mexican spanish as we speak it in Mexico city and Puebla, its not “correct” but it is how we speak.
isn’t it slavic?
Ok people, you know how y'all get super upset about the big bang theory? how its not representative of geek culture, and it is reductive and so on? Yeah... this is the same thing but worse.
Well at least it's changed for the better, I still don't care about skins and they make the monsters easier to spot
how was it nickel and dime? All that dlc everyone complaints about were skins that did nothing. the game had 2 season passes, but the name itself season implies there could be more seasons. and those seasons were the ones that included monsters and characters. but thats no different from other games.
Mi vitas battery died like 3 days after the warranty died, plus i was living in the UK then so Sony left me out for dead, how can i fix it?
Mi vitas battery died like 3 days after the warranty died, plus i was living in the UK then so Sony left me out for…
think of it as destiny random strikes
we have been conditioned by the brown shooters so much, for a while i had the same issue
can't make that comparison, really different games.
Its because he mocked Jon Stewart for not using his jewish name, so Jon found out trumps old family name is Drumpf and called him out, john Oliver took the ball and ran with it.