R ‎‎W

bad idea in an airport. 

because its an off duty cop driving the dodge. 

dont wear shorts unless you are on the beach or on a boat. 

well they are a tax haven for asia. 

i want to know when the auto journo free trip bullshit will end.

why are you pushing so much horror crap so early? 

I would like the temples, and the castle.

sounds like a YOU problem. 

they also miss the water sometimes. 

well you see euro manus are allowed to do that because they are better than america. 

dont lie. there is a video. 

yeah i saw it. was stupid. not how the place looks. trash. 

nah fuck her, rich right wing drunk people can be fed to lions all day. 

only in schools for rich people. normal people are taught to be shy about finance. not polite to talk about that. 

name attached to story is clearly getting paid to shill. 

what a shite take.

its also a really crap story to start with. it was bought fame. 

they dont have to do business with you. 


plenty of black people manage not to sound like they are from the hood.