many people blame celiac for having a shitty diet and feeling like crap all the time, and also so they can feel entitled and make demands.
many people blame celiac for having a shitty diet and feeling like crap all the time, and also so they can feel entitled and make demands.
like that lotr wedding from one of the insta or snap founders that fucked up a federal park?
i have that pan and air fryer.
more rich people shit eh
why are these people not shot more often?
only in the shitty places to live. anywhere nice is $$$
brit electrics, on a small production car.
someone call john stewart
how rich were his parents?
lucky he didnt set fire to something
ill watch when one of the rich assholes driving crashes into all the rich assholes watching.
rich daddy helps
hes really short. in many ways
chicago exists assholes.
my old 2001 v6 mustang had the engine and drivetrain from the ranger.
I guess we just have bigger penises here so people have adapted.
seems more genx than boomer.