R ‎‎W

well, convince more women to approach men then.

when do i get polled?

yeah go ahead and stick that where it wont be seen.

high hp takes a stupid amount of air.

so where did you bury the seller?

when disney buys the simpsons, we will.

i hope he wore his brown pants

whats the rpm on those?

That was like 10 years ago

Go Chicago

China can’t innvoate at all. It’s not in their culture. They will be laggards for a century.

They kill jobs for uneducated morons. Ie, the prime repub voting base. Follow it from there.

Ford needs to go private. Their investors are morons.

Yeah but they do a shit job of it because china.

Yeah that shithead smells of shill.

No, it began when it was sold to ford. Seriously, are you ignorant or a paid shill?

Build small hateful underpowered cars.

Everything but the exhaust. If they are lucky

So pay more. If you can’t, close the business and let someone better at it do it. There is no right to run a company.