R ‎‎W

Rich fucks in America WANT you to uncomfortable about finances. Kill them.

Y’all are pretty privileged huh?

Being from Wisconsin, those are rookie numbers son.

Your single huh

Fuck the south with your religious wank alcohol laws. You guys can’t drink for shit anyway.

it look like something from an industrial conveyor belt. which is probably. is.

yeah there are. i have to search for “classic” flavors these days.

really, her?

fuck em, they are built on stolen tech anyway.

baron is ivankas son with trump.

Better have failed. I was failed for being too far left leaving a parking lot onto the road.

Posh...shes a whore!

I see a cloud and an old man. Oh wait, he appears to be yelling at it.

I hope redlettermedia stretches this films asshole.

Kill yourself

You ever been in a heavily right wing area?

Not really. Maybe your kid is just a moron.

Hell, imagine how easy the sex situation is these days.

Man, I played drug wars on my ti-89 in ap chem in 9th grade, and i still aced it. Also, whatever that shmup game was called
