R ‎‎W

dont run. its bad for you. swim instead.

sounds like mc’ds employs a lot of trump voter level intelligence.

answer the question. any non answers will be removed.

wow they really cut the jewish out of her huh?

well, shes fucking her father. that drains the life outta ya.

you little cuck bitch. try to be a man, for a single moment in your life.

maybe you should die?

your mother sucks cum out of homeless cocks.

post your address coward. i want to have a chat with you.

i hope he gets bitten by a snake.

fuck them. delete it.

oh look, a fat white man.

Its a NYC joke.

bitch needs to go to federal pound her in the ass prison.

bitch needs to go to federal pound her in the ass prison.

so talk about their agents then?

man shes gross huh

shes still a thing? doesnt she have ALL the std’s?


i want you to die.