R ‎‎W

fuck off

kill yourself. pussy

this series is generally garbage. let see them profile a social worker or something.

so kill them. it wouldnt be hard.

Until we put up a wall with indiana, those laws wont help much. ALSO, plenty of us cities in red states have much bigger gun problems.

whats the address? i asking for a Molotov cocktail i know.

maybe she should have stayed home.

Christ, one time my mom lit a j in my car.

Chicago is doing fine.

But how will I keep score then?

Seems you are just weak?

Fuck off with your false equivalency

Take a bat. To his face.

Depends if he invests his own money, or other peoples.

no, thats an illegal hotel. what was the address.

clearly you have never been to china.

i unplug my computer and entertainment system if im out more than a few days.

in chicago, the mexican junk/metal scavengers will pick that stuff up.