so many of these fuckers want a war and all we’re asking for is justice and equality
This should have WAY more stars
Black on black crime is a myth and has been debunked. And after finding out how bad/false statistics are taken by the fbi. I'm not so sure their stats are even valid or true. Racism is ingrained in the fabric of America. Which is why what you commented on is true. It's in their culture t look be this way. It's as…
Know what set my alarm off for Craig? “Let’s also take out the white liberals who are the primary drivers of our conversations on race and tend to look more warmly on minorities than themselves.” Right there I said, ah this guy gets his world view from Fox News opinion hosts and others of their ilk. The “self-hating…
he started trying to set arbitrary rules for his argument by removing people.
To be fair, Bumpy’s english muffin meal wasn’t ready.
If not Whiggy, one of the others. I have no doubts that many of the letters Michael gets comes from our troll pack. You see, they are the kind of racist I sometime speak of, the ones who have less then fulfilling lives and are too lazy or racist to do some self reflection and fix themselves up. They also have and make…
Bumpy is definitely the result of his mother fucking a garbage can and then spending the next nine months huffing paint and drinking absinthe. What an evil piece of human detritus.
Just so you know, as a Jew, I have wrangled with the vilest anti-Semitism imaginable
I was struggling to figure out what his actual point was, I think it was something like if you removed all the racist people there would still be black on black crime but no racism?
Look, if we just ignore super duper racist people, super racist people, duper racist people, the GOP (but I’m being redundant), the police, white supremacists with shockingly few teeth and a non-bifurcated family tree, woke white folks who are only woke on social media, then sure, we’ll have a real discussion about…
Holy fuck, that long-winded, well-reasoned pile of bullshit from Craig had me rubbing my eyes by the third paragraph. It’s like Whiggy got a hold of your email address and had nothing but time. My bs detector was going off like a Geiger counter at Chernobyl as soon as he started trying to set arbitrary rules for his…
But Stringer wasn’t totally stupid. He just needed Avon to balance him out.
Tupac spawned a generation of Hotep Machiavellis.
/and a perfect example of “that guy” with a copy of Sun Tzu
I’m not sure I was this harsh but yeah, when I finally re-watched the Wire years back I kept thinking,
This blue igloo bullshit is just another way to say boogaloo, the white supremacist war on black people and the government. No one should let them get away with this bullshit!