Ricardo Salazar Rey

I’m seeing a bunch of guys who could spend more time in the gym and in the sun....

These guys DON’T want to use all the fancy MILSURP toys they get?

Kids who dream of being firefighters dream of saving someone from a burning building. Kids who dream of being police officers dream of shooting and killing “bad guys.” No kids play “cops and robbers” by calm interactions employing de-escalation techniques. So they can miss me with the idea that “no officer goes into a

I’m not your friend you racist liar.

Always some technical shit!

Police were looking for Speed but as they approached Locke, who was asleep on the couch, Officer Hanneman opened fire upon seeing his handgun.

Fuck off copsuckers. I hope one of these criminal cops you love murders you in your sleep.

Minneapolis had a chance to abolish their inept, murderous police force last election cycle and stupidly chose not to.

No officer goes into a dangerous setting like this wanting to use a weapon”.  This might be the biggest lie I have heard this month.  Given the manner in which they are trained, the toys they get, the recruitment videos they put out, I am one hundred percent sure that almost all officers go in wanting to use their

Ask Herman Cain how that turned out.

You forget the /s for sarcasm.

And a hot plate!

Every group of people in history has been socialist. It is the defining trait of what separated us from the rest of the animal kingdom. The only differences between political structures is how few or many control and benefit from the combined group effort.

They also get a free hat.

I’m shocked that the party that bitches about paid protesters from liberals needs paid attendees at a White House event.

What’s worse than getting covid? Getting covid at a MAGA rally sponsored by Candace Owens. 

Yeah it’s crazy it took 40 years for an abolitionist party to go fully anti black.

Some people will do anything for a day out and a free meal.

Nothing matches the original blexit. Consider how the GOP changed from the time of Lincoln/Grant and reconstruction to Nixon/Trump. Trump admitted basically barring blacks from his rental properties and bragging about it, he felt it made him more money. While, at the same time, Hillary Clinton was going undercover to