Ricardo Salazar Rey

Golf courses in my state are still open, and I drive past a few on my way to take care of my sister’s kids each day as she works her essential job. I also ride my bike past about a half dozen courses regularly during my 3-4 bike rides each week. I can assure you that each course I’ve driven or ridden past has been

These are the same assholes who complain about protesters blocking traffic, but they are willing to block a hospital in the middle of a pandemic for the right to play golf.

Hey, personally, I have no issue with anyone who wants to engage in outdoor activity in small groups and with minimal contact with others.

OK. Let’s put these stupid-ass protesters, not wearing masks, aside and have a real adult conversation.

If there was justice the names of these vile fuckers would be plastered all over the news. Why? They were blocking the entrance to a hospital. If anyone of these low life sacks of shit gets COVID-19 make sure they get no treatment. Yeah I know it may illegal or unethical but send them home. Don’t admit them if needed.

This should have more stars than my own comment. 

After looking this kid up (again), I’m even more enraged by his sentence.

It’s been seven years, and I still, to this day, have trouble wrapping my head around the thought process that came up with 4 dead bodies=10 years probation. I mean, I understand the variables, x=rich and powerful parents, y=Texas, and z=being so white that his little anus mouth is being absorbed by the glow of his

I didn’t say you said that.

Can we stop this silly idea that this man isn’t part of the problem. Sorry but if my wife went to work for someone that selfish & hell bent on destroying the country I would be questioning who I’ve been married to all these years. He may snap back on his ass on Twitter but he is just as much to blame for the current

Why are people from Michigan such reprehensible assholes?

You know they won’t admit they got the conviction wrong. The only way they’ll let him out of jail if he admits to some subset of the crime (or another crime, like ‘obstructing justice’ or ‘perjury’) so they can claim he was still guilty of something (and not allowed to then sue for wrongful arrest). Or they’ll commute

I would have more sympathy for the viewpoint that the “student” (she’s actually an alumna now) in question was looking for intellectually challenging books if the other Common Read books were actual Man Booker prize winners. But they’re not. We’re talking about stuff like Ready Player One here. The singling-out of