
My favorite part was moments later when she admits that she WAS unfairly criticizing him because, if she had given an honest appraisal of his brilliant flying, everyone would know how badly she wanted to fuck him.

I agree in principle, but reserve all of my rights with respect to Ted Cruz.

Plus, I think her being ok with it was meant to redeem her character. Like when Zabka hands Daniel the trophy in The Karate Kid.

"I have a sickness, but I do not have an excuse."
- The A.V. Club

"forcing Weiner to withdraw" was my second favorite.


Two MRAs escaping their oppressive alimony and child-support obligations and go on a politically incorrect road trip in search of America. But can they survive emasculation in a world of gender-neutral bathrooms, personal pronouns, and electric cars whose automated safety features prevent driving into vaginal canyons?

I'm not sure how the first complaint even makes sense unless we're talking unskilled labor. People 20 years younger than me aren't my competitors and couldn't dilute my salary or job prospects if they tried. I guess I could read the cited piece to find out what I'm missing, but that seems like a lot of work, and I'm

I think this is key. The style of campus and twitter activism has become anti-stoic, which makes it viscerally repellent to Eastwood and many others. The tendency to couch activism in terms of safety and trauma has some short-term tactical advantages, but inspires too much contempt to work as a long-term strategy.

Has King said this? Unless I'm mis-remembering, he said in the autobiographical chunk of "On Writing" that he was socially well-adjusted as a kid, and that this made Carrie a really unpleasant character for him to write because he had trouble relating to her status as an outcast.

The choice/free will stuff got pretty heavy-handed, especially in the sequels, but also in the original. But the "spoon" bit and the generalized Buddhism-lite talk worked really well for me as a through line between the cyber-punk and kung-fu aspects of the movie. We've all seen movies where the main character has

No doubt. I wish the future DVD extras of those guys and Gina training and hanging out could be the feature.

Sarcasm loads undetectable.

"Capable of making you think and hurl at the same time"
— The A.V. Club

I know. I was riffing on Trump's ridiculous line about McCain: "I like soldiers who don't get captured."

"Social conservative" was bad word choice on my part. The point I was trying to express is that there seem to be a lot of conservatives today who are both practicing Christians (whether or not that informs or dominates their politics) and Rand fans, and who don't seem to perceive any fundamental contradiction between

Interesting. I would say thumb should be outside, tucked parallel to the knuckles as in a properly clenched fist, but not sticking straight out like a hitchhiker. This way the gesture conveys both violence and fingerbanging.

Thank you. It's a free country, but there is only one correct way to flip the bird and it's an otherwise closed fist with one finger raised.

No Heathers "sit & spin" guy?