
I am the Foxy who Knoxies.

It grates on my ears too. I just can't think of another word that conveys "sexist condescension" as efficiently. If it were up to me, I'd repeal and replace "mansplaining" with something else — probably something German.

"Mansplaining" is probably overused, but there are definitely situations that it fits. One time an ex-girlfriend and I were playing pool against two dudes in a bar. She was a better pool player than me and we were both better than them. And yet, these doofuses start trying to give her (but not me) tips on how to

Yeah, I gave Eddie the benefit of the doubt for a while because Roth seems kind of insufferable. Didn't care enough to find out what caused the split with Hagar but figured maybe he's a prima donna. But to kick Michael Anthony out after all these years? And then in this interview, Eddie trashes Anthony's bass

Agreed. It's just that when I threaten 12-year-olds, I like to leave them with a clean, crisp image of the terrible thing I've threatened to do rather than just generalized dread. To each his own, though.

I was too confused to laugh. Was he threatening to behead the mother and then rape the father? Was the mother's headless body to be somehow involved in the father-raping? Or is she just there in the background for ambience? Potentially vivid threat ruined by sloppy sentence construction.

May the [S.C. Police] Force go easy on him.

I agree that people generally shouldn't be fired as a punishment for things they say in private. But I think most public figures understand that, fair or not, if they get caught saying things like what Sterling said, it's going to taint their image, brand, etc., so badly that their career is basically over. That's

I agree that people generally shouldn't be fired as a punishment for things they say in private. But I think most public figures understand that, fair or not, if they get caught saying things like what Sterling said, it's going to taint their image, brand, etc., so badly that their career is basically over. That's

Totally agree. Freedom of speech as a principle isn't and shouldn't be limited to the First Amendment, though the constitutional protection is.