Gurl, I like how you think except Hiddles was already to old and too broke off for the role.
Taylor doesn't wear Tom after Labor Day.
You don’t confront bad ideas about women and our bodies by dictating what we can’t wear. That’s imposing on the individual’s right to express themselves and practice their faith. Shockingly, some women do choose to dress ‘modestly’ and cover up. No matter what you think of it, they have the right to make choices that…
A gold medal would be ideal, but it's still nice to finish number two.
Now I, on the other hand, can find a story in just about anything. I once went to see a ballet production of Anne of Green Gables. The dancers were all in basic nude-ish looking leotard things, and it was all very modern dance-ish. But I gamely tried to follow the story and sort out which characters the dancers…
What was the joke for the roast? Selena Gomez dated Justin Bieber, making her the least lucky Selena in the music business?
Tonight three legends of swimming—Michael Phelps, Chad Le Clos, and László Cseh—turned in identical times to share…
I read years ago that this is one of Helen Mirren’s favorite jokes, which is when my love for her was cemented: “How can you tell when an Essex girl comes? She drops her fries.”
I don’t know if I am some sort of freak, but the idea just doesn’t really bother me that much? I mean, I figure I won’t really know when it happens, and then I’ll be dead so I really won’t care. Sure, there is plenty of stuff I want to do, but if I get hit by a bus tomorrow, my smeared corpse isn’t going to get to…
Can I just say that while I LOVE the Bridget Jones books, I am swearing off the third movie. At least in the third book, Darcy had died, and Jones was trying to figure out dating as a widow and single mother. But nope, in the third movie, he’s alive!-*why the hell did you leave him Mr. Darcy is amazing I WILL TAKE HIM…
Jesus fucking Christ. Attacking a woman who is having sex with her adult child I can understand. Smugly and self-righteously attacking every woman and child who has ever given up a child for adoption, for any reason? Congratulations, you are a truly horrible person.
It may be ruining your childhood,but it is making my adulthood.
I’m pregnant right now, and I’m furiously trying to ban Disney and offensive Looney Tunes characters from my household. My mom, of course, tells me to lighten up, and I need to cut my MIL some slack on her unintentional gendered and racist crap.
Probably. And have you ever seen the calendar of monthly “to-do” items in Martha Stewart Living? Even if she does only a quarter of that stuff she’s a better housekeeper than me. For EVERY DAY it’s something like “Clean baseboards, prune tomato plants, re-seal countertops, put on beekeeper suit and tend to bees...”. I…
Are you fucking kidding me? Go fuck yourself. Seriously. Take a rusty pipe and shove it up your own ass.
Shit like this is something you’d never forget. And since the guy when he was a kid probably idolized JoePa like every other fucking person who’d go to a PSU camp, he was probably heartbroken that his idol didn’t…
Thats one thing men and women have in common, an unreasonable willingness to put up with crazy BS from beautiful people. Most of us lose tolerance for this kind of nonsense as we age and become more experienced.