
This ad makes me angry because beautiful people piss me off. Them and their beautiful children. Stop #UglyGeocide #DontLitter #WaitNowImConfused

It’s actually about ethics in sixth grade track sports reporting.


Literally all of them are like this, except Mike Holmes. Every time I watch this or that annoying couple from California that flip houses I want to scream. Really? You renovated an entire house in two weeks for $50k? Sure.

“Got a lot wrong” strikes me as a funny way of putting it, since the movie seems to have virtually nothing to do with the actual history.

I 100% don’t get the snark. Life can be lonely AF and not all of us like being glued to our Laptops commenting on Jezebel all day eating cheese and intermitenly checking out cats on Neko Atsume. Community living is great but hard to carry out in cities, as long as the price is reasonable this is a fab alternative

While this isn’t for me, the less-snarky aspect is that it is encouraging community in a society that is ever-more less-communal. As a young adult after college I moved to the other side of the country, lived alone, and had no community. This is one positive side of housing like this.

Someone commented on another post:

Why is this a thing with the kids of celebrities!? And what the fuck is wrong with adult men? If she can’t go to the bar with you without her mom SHE CAN’T DATE YOU. What the fuck. I’ve written this here before, but if any of my guy friends pulled this shit I would alert the police and not be their friend anymore.

yaaaa noooo thank you

Henry. Henry. In the words of the great Donna Meagle, “You fine but ya simple”

Ask them a question about something in their profile. Maybe add a line mentioning your connection to the subject. You don’t need to write more than a sentence or two, but “good morning” isn’t going to make a good impression. It translates as, “I think you’re cute. Now you do the work of starting the conversation.”

It was going to be a no-win situation anyways with the native Americans and magical America. Don’t bring them up, and you’re erasing them. Draw upon native traditions, and you’re appropriating them. Make some shit up entirely, and you’re caricaturing them.

She is not remotely less the worst in the books.

To be fair, Stannis did that. I might hate him even more than Mel. Idiot, getting involved with her in the first place!

I feel like Cersei would rock some killer hats/turbans/crowns while growing out that unfortunate pixie. Like, at least a barrette or something.

Jon Snow is super dead.

Jon Stark, however, is alive and kicking ass.

But more importantly, how good a football player was he in college?

People, please start believing that health care IS the miracle God sent you.