
My vagina hurts just looking at this picture. Like, I would need an ice pack and some ibuprofen.

I wish you could down-vote on Kinja. Nice backdoor insult, asswipe.

Oh fuck off. She is sharing her genuine experience... what, do you think she just *imagined* the lack of interest in dating her? Gonna try the “she was too stuck-up to see the guys who were interested in her” gambit, even though she makes multiple mentions of being rejected AND supplies a study demonstrating that this

Some Nice Guy (TM) texts for your amusement:

Sadly, not in our lifetime. I’ve also seen this variation, which is also true:

A former girlfriend told the Wisconsin State Journal that O’Kroley had tried to commit suicide in 2014, and that he has been seriously mentally ill for the past decade.

Pretty horrible, but sums up what many Hilary supporters believe. Somehow because I’m a woman I should be voting for Hilary because she’s one as well. Or I’m sexist because I don’t vote for Hilary. Everyone wants to talk about BernieBros, but Clinton supporters are just as bad (if not worse) when it comes to these

I mean, I’m pretty sure “pampered alien princess who expects worship from all interactions” is just pretty much her schtick, right? Like if you meet Larry the Cable Guy, I assume he thwaps you on the shoulder and jovially shouts something about pork rinds.

I hate this so freaking much. I was a student on April 16th, and this shit kills me. Anyone who went to school at VT loves it, in spite of what has happened there. And I feel like this rhetoric takes away from the focus on this poor girl who lost her life and instead focuses on a fact that has NOTHING to do with why

The group of engineers who have been on the front lines in testing the lead-tainted water of Flint are from Virginia Tech. So you can hold them up as a counter example to some of the bad things that have come out of there. (BTW, I’ve never been to VT and don’t really know anything about it.)

Two men tried to lure her into their car, under false pretenses. If you can read that and come away thinking Kevin Smith is the sad excuse for a man, you must just really hate Kevin Smith, amirite?

And come on, he made Dogma. And God was played by Alanis!

Eh. I’ve had plenty of dudes run screaming from me based on my intellect/job/demanding personality. I’ve also dated guys that found those traits really attractive. It’s almost as if men are all unique beings with their own likes and desires...

She had such an eye for the future that in her 1998 Parable of the Talents, she wrote about a Christian America presidential candidate whose slogan was, “Help us to make America great again.”

spanked their 14-year-old daughter with a hockey stick and a jump rope

Lies that got worse as each season progressed.

Eeeeeehhhhh, most of this evidence seems built in the idea that his eyes are completely dead and not functioning. If he's just seeing big blurry shapes all the time, he'd still be functionally blind and still fully capable of doing this stuff, especially since he's got his other senses and has been relying on them for

I was thinking about the moon landing truthers the other day and realized something: if NASA faked the moon landings in 1969-1972, why haven't they faked other space missions? Why not a fake Mars landing? A mission to Alpha Centauri? It's been nearly 50 years. We could have had a kick-ass fake history of space

See, what we're really missing here is the vaccine truther (IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK, GIVE ME A SECOND!).