It protects your night vision if there's an oncoming car. It's the same principle as pirates or aircraft pilots wearing an eye patch.
It protects your night vision if there's an oncoming car. It's the same principle as pirates or aircraft pilots wearing an eye patch.
You don't do it? How do you protect your night vision if there's an unexpected oncoming car? I don't want to be driving blind.
You only have to do that briefly when you’re changing over from one hand to the other, for example if you need to switch hands to change gear.
Just the normal night-driving one. While I’m driving at night, I make sure to keep one eye covered with a hand at all times. Which isn’t even a superstition really, more just common sense.
That sounds like a pretty damn good deal for a commuter appliance with minimal running costs.
That's stretching the definition of functional to exploding point, I would argue.
SA here - our local ones have a weight sensor (I’ve seen green bins left full with a little sticker informing the bin-owner that it wasn’t collected because it was too heavy).
I’m guessing that you meant "Volvo" when you wrote "Tesla" there :)
At that kind of price it’s an interesting possiblity.
“You’ll never make it with THAT attitude!”
You make a compelling argument. Though some enterprising young tech-bro had surely disrupted the paradigm and is running his yacht on crypto.
If you can find modules in good condition for that price you should be grabbing as many as you can and on-selling them. The cheapest I’ve seen from a reliable source is around $500/module more (with some discounts for volume purchases).
We’ll likely see this kind of practice happening with electric motors, given that automotive OEMs don’t have much institutional expertise with such motors.
“A car that runs 1000 miles on salt water” sounds like a weird way of describing an ocean-going yacht.
The slight issue of functional fusion reactors of any scale not existing may factor into it.
Or a LEAF?
Is the remanufactured battery a swap? A lot of people use Tesla packs for retrofits into other vehicles, or for applications like stationary energy storage, so there are reasons people would want to buy one.
By the same token, there is no evidence that the person who locked the bike to the post was the rightful owner.
My understanding is that masking is primarily about reducing the chance of breathing out enough virus to make other people sick.
The rate of seatbelt use in the US is... not great. 10 percent of people don't wear them while in a car.