
“The canal blockage cost $400 million per hour.”

He'll get $12 for his time and another $15 in danger money.

Plus it's lighter.

Law is another one. Unpaid or very poorly-paid internships are de rigeur.

It’s poorly worded. The following passage is contradictory:

It’s just what you grow up with. I’m Australian, I like our local tin top racing (Supercars) but find stock car racing dull. I enjoy cricket, Aussie rules, soccer and rugby union, but baseball, American football, basketball are all boring.

Thank you - it was very much a team effort.

This was Roger Moore in my head.

Not good. That's why they have so many spare chips.

A fishing/camping trip with my dad and brother. We were headed to southwest Victoria, and the drive there goes across some rather hot, dry country. Which was particularly hot and dry in December in South Australia. Hot enough that the over-burdened Ford Laser we were using to tow our rented camper trailer reached its

Hybrids make a ton of sense though. Freight trains are all diesel-electric hybrids.

I knew there was something I'd forgotten!

I saw one of these a few days ago with a wonderfully self-deprecating custom plate that read "TURBOAT".

Facility, Licence to Kill, Slappers Only. God, that made for adrenaline-fuelled gaming.

Absolutely - don’t get me wrong, I think these are an inefficient ego-stroking device that will be used in a manner that doesn’t suit the vehicle at all in ninety percent of cases. But if it’s half as good as it could be, it’s still half as bad as it is now, and if it converts people into EV drivers that otherwise

As bad as it is, it’s still less bad. And as the grid gets more renewable so will the car. And there won’t be local emissions. The people who buy one are never going to buy a Tesla or a Bolt or a LEAF anyway.

At least it's not spewing shit all over the place while it's doing so.

It definitely makes it not a pinnacle of waste and selfishness. If the owner wants to show off with one of these, at least they're not doing so while getting 8 miles to the gallon of diesel through the magic of converting fuel into particulate matter.

They wouldn't have built a real one yet. They'll have test mules and show models, but there won't be a finished one at this stage.