Thank you for your input.
Thank you for your input.
Thank you for your input.
A floor that isn’t made of gravel. It’s just really difficult to lie on.
And just in case anybody else feels they need to chip in and hasn’t already read the three entirely reasonable replies I’ve already received to correct me:
Mea culpa - I should have thought this comment though before making it. You are of course correct that the plane will be able to continue takeoff with only one operative engine. I’m going to blame the fact that it’s 1am here and my brain has given up thinking for the day! I was thinking “the plane uses maximum power…
Mea culpa - I should have thought this comment though before making it. You are of course correct that the plane will be able to continue takeoff with only one operative engine. I’m going to blame the fact that it’s 1am here and my brain has given up thinking for the day! I was thinking “the plane uses maximum power…
Mea culpa - I should have thought this comment though before making it. You are of course correct that the plane will be able to continue takeoff with only one operative engine. I’m going to blame the fact that it’s 1am here and my brain has given up thinking for the day! I was thinking “the plane uses maximum power…
They’re very lucky that it happened when it did, after the plane had already climbed to altitude but while they were still within range of a landing site - if this had happened during takeoff it would almost certainly have resulted in a crash.
But she. Captures his speech. Patterns. So beautifully it’s. Almost poetic.
I find this livery much more conservative than their previous one. It looks like the kind of livery that Williams would run if they were sponsored by A Better Tomorrow, but couldn’t run Rothmans colours any more.
FWD makes much more sense for regenerative braking - you can harvest much more of the braking energy because the front wheels do a greater proportion of the work.
Bigger bumpers (as in a slightly different shape to the vehicle profile) could help with the aerodynamics, so there's a reason to do that, especially if you're trying to maintain range with a larger car.
I’ve got an SE in a drawer at home that lasts for about 15 minutes on a charge with normal use, so YMMV.
They do. And that’s quite strange for an Australian PM - they’re mostly far less obviously religious than Morrison. And the prosperity gospel teachings of his church are troubling, especially if they influence his positions on public policy (particularly relating to social policy).
Swing and a miss on all counts from me there - it looks like the electric motor is connected to the flywheel, so it could have 8 reverse gears if McLaren allowed it to.
It’s the last thing you should do, but he’s not the first to do it - our Prime Minister fucked off to Hawaii while the country was on fire.
I’ve tried to roll a car slightly uphill before. It was not fun.
That would be my assumption (and I'm guessing that if the battery charge gets that low then the engine would just kick in whether you asked it to or not, so it isn't likely that you can leave it with such low charge that you can't reverse out after parking).
Well, technically, I didn’t say it wasn’t...