
Protein content would be high though...

Turns out the AEC is the commission that everyone envies right now. Who would have predicted that?

They need two more, don’t they? If the Georgia run-offs go to the Republicans, they’ll have a 52-48 majority. The Democrats need both Georgia seats to get to 50-50, giving VP Harris the tie-breaking vote.

Interestingly, that's not the case. They often aren't allowed to vote, but they can run for, and be elected, President.

This is the manufacturer-branded clothing that makes sense to me - when they’re your sporting team. I don’t have any of it (though I was tempted by the GRM Viking Mafia t-shirts), but I understand it.

Yep, the ergonomics when holding them in a pinch grip are apparently quite reasonable. The reason they’re overpriced is the other factor you suggested: the blades are nothing special; they’re quite basic metal (as the name suggests, they’re 301), they’re not monolithic with the handle, and they’re not superbly

The SA situation isn’t much different to the situation in the other SA, forty-odd years ago. And the response of F1 seems to be about the same as it was back then - “sport isn’t political”, with few notable exceptions (i.e. James Hunt).

Saudi’s openness isn’t the issue though, is it? The issue is the regime’s opression of its own people, and its inhumane treatment of migrant workers it brings in to make the place look nice for rich foreigners.

Thank you - in return for my gift of a video link, I only ask this: share it far and wide!

I agree with everything you've said here - it will be a matter of when, rather than if the money from his supporters dries up, and it will almost certainly be sooner rather than later (there will be a rump that keeps believing, but hopefully they'll be tiny and ineffectual). On the upside, any money he manages to

He’ll probably be able to trade on the grievances and paranoia of his erstwhile supporters for a while and grift them out of a fair bit of money. How far that will get him, I don’t know - he’ll probably end up with a show on OAN and become the cable equivalent of Rush Limbaugh.

Here’s hoping we see the live sequel on Jan 20...

That’s my understanding - Schumer would have control as Senate Majority Leader, with Harris casting the tie-breaking vote as President of the Senate.

It would be an apposite conclusion, wouldn't it?

What would happen if the Dems won both run-offs in Georgia - am I correct in saying that they would then effectively hold the Senate, with Harris as the tie-breaking vote? Seems like it's vital that those two senate seats turn blue - and maybe, just maybe, the attraction of having a senate which doesn't spend all it's

Now playing

(You have to click through to Vimeo, but I think it's worth it.)

“Do-over” reminded me of this:

So late votes for Biden are illegal and late votes for Trump are legit?”

That’s even better news - if ever there was a well-sorted platform, it's the Corolla's ;)

This looks great - nice clean details, restrained detailing, relying on the proportions rather than on gubbins. There’s certainly a lot of S2000, with some Porsche and Alpine aesthetics mixed in (just imagine if Honda still styled their cars like this, rather than ricing them straight from the factory).