If he’s building an awesome car with the parts and can still end up more than $30K ahead (which sounds entirely possible), I think he's chosen the right option.
If he’s building an awesome car with the parts and can still end up more than $30K ahead (which sounds entirely possible), I think he's chosen the right option.
I’m not sure about the difficulty of dyeing it, but the couple of hemp t-shirts I have are soft and comfortable. It might be due to a change in processing techniques now, and it sounds like it can be grown in a way that ensures production of fine fibres from the plants:
Perhaps they got it confused with a Goggomobil. While it does share some characteristics, I can confirm that it’s not a Dart.
BComp themselves suggest that the best way of getting rid of this stuff is to incinerate it, which suggests that recyclability isn’t high on the list of attributes.
I wonder how it compares to a laminated wooden hull in terms of cost. I imagine that wood strip construction would still be more expensive.
And the ne plus ultra of the mandrel...
40 percent heavier than CFRP makes it about 20 percent heavier than GFRP, and approximately the same weight as aluminium for the same mechanical properties. There are probably quite a lot of fields where it will be quite useful - especially if it’s significantly cheaper than CFRP (it looks like it’s about 30% cheaper…
Compared to something like glass as a fibre in composites, it’s lacking in terms of mechanical properties.
And here I was, thinking that I had made a compelling argument.
That’s a fair point - the precision of the stunts themselves means that it’s entirely reasonable to cut them together in short takes (especially things like jumps with multiple vehicles having to be in the right place at the right time), but I hadn’t considered the multiple takes required to ensure that there were no…
Ah. I figured that “functions as intended with a degree of quality” also pertains to the safety of the vehicle - specifically, that the safety equipment functions as intended. If your thinking was more along the lines of dynamic performance and comfort, I see where you're coming from.
It may be charming, but I would prefer my daily conveyance to have to have superior power and crash safety to, for instance, my washing machine.
They’re plentiful on the used market.
Good and safe are synonymous in the case of cars though once you get below a certain level. In this case it’s a cheap-safe dichotomy, and this is at the ‘cheap’ end of that spectrum.
The $25K car that Musk has touted could certainly take the crown from the Corolla or Civic.
Why do their clothes fit so badly? Is it genetic?
Mate, your argument has so far consisted of “Honda = better”, and “I’ll dismiss you because you disagree with me”. Not exactly the most cogent or persuasive defence of your position.