

Condition A... we’ll have to see whether that gets fulfilled any time soon.

And there'll be hell to pay if they drop donut crumbs on the seats like last time.

I know this was in jest, but I happened to read a feature about Kilmer a little while ago, and it was genuinely interesting:

Admittedly the people who got angry about the film were clearly not all there either.

The fact that The Simpsons movie has a less ridiculous POTUS than the real world is really quite depressing.

You don’t need that many true believers if you’re lucky about when you win elections and gerrymander like it’s going out of style when you do.

The Wolverine “I’ve watched Red Dawn too many times and can’t tell fantasy from reality” Watchmen were planning it, but Kaleb’s mom wouldn’t let them take her car that far out-of-state.

The Savage quote is an interesting one, and it makes a good point - humans, at their core, are the story-telling species.

And increasingly in the general population, it seems. Not much difference between the AB and the PB except that one lot wears jumpsuits and the other lot wears Fred Perry polos.

“to protect others.”

Those all sound like good ideas - and I agree that it would have to be on the proviso that’s it’s genuine on Larson’s part, and not just a public relations exercise.

I think that the possibility of people tuning it out, or becoming reactionary, is quite plausible. Which is why I think it’s also a good idea to bring Larson back into the fold as a reformed character who can hopefully spread that message of reform, rather than continuing to censure him.

This is a serious question - what penance should be considered sufficient for his misdeeds? If he has genuinely learnt the error of his ways from the education and (hopefully) period of reflection he’s undertaken, and he’s now doing more work in the area to improve both himself and the community, it seems reasonable

A switch from the number 88 would be advisable...

But the guess that he’s moving to Wallace’s old seat is based on supposition too, by the sound of it. Bradley could say exactly what JRHoosier has said there - that it’s rumoured Larson will be driving a 4th Hendrick car.

If this is only thing you know about Larson, you’re probably not a NASCAR fan - would that be a fair assessment? Nor am I, and I don’t think the Venn diagram of "NASCAR fan" and "Jalopnik regular" are going to have a lot of overlap.

Forces on the tyre due to rotational velocity will be orders of magnitude greater than the forces resulting from the vehicle weight at those speeds.

Try and find one of the few remaining G70s with a stick?

Working in crash safety, that’s the main thing that I would like from a modern car - it’s not something I ever want to have to use, but I'd like it to be there if I need it. Most of the other stuff (automatic everything, good NVH, even the power of a lot of modern cars) I'm not too fussed about.