In case anyone is interested in purchasing the Dishonored book:…
In case anyone is interested in purchasing the Dishonored book:…
Nothing wrong with waiting 7 years for a movie
Sometimes when you travel at like 10 MPH and crash you fly out of the car, whereas other times you travel at 50 MPH and crash your still nice and seated.
On the Wii U, it looks like this -
We come for the visuals but stay for the gameplay. And the gameplay in gta v has far too many flaws, I hope they address it in this rather than a visual overhaul, the damn enemy AI in this game is one of the worst game AIs ever and how inconsistent the physics are in this game cannot be ignored R*
technology is here alright....but it looks crappy.
In reality, we're all just thinking about the PC version.
To be fair yes the Wii U has 6-7 million compared to XOne's 5-6 million the thing is that the Wii U has been out nearly 2 years while the XOne has been out for only 6 months. Also with the Wii U you have to make use of the touchpad which requires extra dev time which you don't have to for any other platform.
Well, shit. We're just going to have to settle for the few thousand other games that aren't on any console.
Okay, I'm here to take advantage of my commenting early and tell everyone to NOT joke about the PC game store called Steam. thank you for your time.
Is there a mode that skips putting you in an annoyingly long lobby between matches? For example, as soon as one match ends and a quick post game score shows up, it immediatly loads you into another map? I found that the combination of long lobby wait times, short match times, and only 6 players on the enemy team…
Austin Wintory, the composer behind the soundtracks to games like Journey and The Banner Saga, might be in trouble…
Reggie is coming for ya.
No Man's Sky is also on PC and XB1 FYI.
The leaves of the kelp looked just like the leaves on the trees in no mans sky just this was green, and those were orange. Its actually something that caught my eye because the both kinda look like viva pinata paper mache lol!
on purpose.
Staring :
It seems so obvious in hindsight, and now you can do it.
I don't understand the "everything was CG" comments.