
nobody says you have to live in a shack, but it is pretty exorbitant and locationwise, makes no sense. if he were a gamer, as he apparently is not? he’d be near devs or something logically relevant. since he’s a media persona, why is he not in Burbank?

Also, plenty of homes available if you have $1m on hand, that’s far

There is such an obvious gigantic gap between shack and what he bought, that it’s just a deflection to pretend people are asking him for to live in sheer poverty.

Guys, guys. You're both right 

glad Sony is following Microsoft’s advice, the walls around the gardens crumble with every passing day...except Nintendo’s garden, pretty sure they slap power stars on that wall every day.

Agreed. My tuppence: cyberpunk retains its power because it still resonates with the audience. Consider a phrase from one of the other quintessential cyberpunk sources, “Twenty minutes into the future...” Cyberpunk has always been trying to WARN us about what’s going to happen if we don’t stop it. And unless and until

The millennial snark is practically palpable in this podcast. Yeesh. Not that I disagree that most major awards are just publicity stunts, but you just know the people who are thumbing their nose at the concept are the same people who love to argue about same thing. We all do. We love debating the merits of game X and

“Neither Ubisoft nor the game reflect this journalist’s viewpoints.”

This is kind of a side note and I think, possibly, I feel the opposite of a lot of people, but here goes:

Read the fucking article before posting dumb shit

I guess I’m the only one looking forward to the game? Listen everybody. We know shit went down. But the people that got shit on, worked their asses off on this game. Ubisoft is restructuring is it not? So how long do we screw over the employees for things that a bunch of fired higher ups did?

Persona 5 Royale or riot.

For the love of everything holy, just give us the damn Skies of Arcadia port. (Preferably with the original music and the Legends content.)

Trump’s a piece of shit, but someone DOES need to punch China in the nose. The enemy of our enemy is not our friend. The number of people supporting China just because Trump is against them is scary.

I genuinely don’t understand people who prefer the old combat. Group size, positioning, none of it mattered. All you had to do was hit the counter button at the right time, dude died, repeat for X remaining dudes. It was one of the most boring, skill-less systems I’ve ever used.

Shaking imagining commenters going ballistic when they see me leaving an ebony battleaxe behind so I can take a few bloody skulls back to my homestead, to add to my bloody skull pile.

All that and I’m curious to see how long a scene like that takes to load fresh.

I don’t know who to trust 😂

I mean, it makes sense. Americans have been trying to modify and censor the Spanish language in an attempt to be woke and politically correct for a while now, inventing the word Latinx as though our culture supersedes theirs.

Meh. They were right about some things, but Marx’s ideas for a revolution have always been flawed. It will invariably lead to an oppressive police state, which others pointed out at the time (Bakunin, for one) and has been borne out by history.