
White women who want to broadcast their politics (in addition to actually taking action, ahem) could also just wear a t-shirt from Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, Amnesty, SPLC, CAIR, BLM, NOW, NPR, DNC ... the possibilities are endless. Just anything at all besides almost literally #notallwhitewomen.

And the shitty thing is the proponents here with cushy jobs will likely benefit from an employer-sponsored HSA. Part-timers, freelancers, and people with shitty bosses will just be on their own. Their reasoning is that this will drive drug/treatment prices down because supply and demand but that logic fails when

My cousin’s husband died from cancer. It was fairly quick from diagnosis to death but his bill was over 400K. A friend’s boss died from cancer a couple of years ago and his medical bill was almost a million.

And those HSAs can expire! If you put your own money into your account to pay your own potential medical expenses and then nothing comes up, for a lot of these plans the money just goes to the HSA “provider” in exchange for absolutely nothing for the person who deposited it. It’s like Use or Lose leave time except

The idea of an HSA is based on understanding how insurance works while willfully ignoring why insurance works.

If you’re poor it’s basically useless too. the idea is it saves you taxes but if your taxes are already relatively low because you don’t make anything all this does is put money in a different bank account and hey guess what! That money is use it or lose it.

Or if you have any type of expensive chronic medical condition, HSAs are financially equal to just paying full price for the best insurance in the market. Which....if I could do that, why exactly would I need an HSA?

And how can people who make minimum wage or even the average wage be able to save enough for a hospitalization or cancer treatments? If people could save that much money, they would be doing so already. Or paying off loans, houses, etc.

Uh, sure, I bet Americans earning $10 an hour at McDonald’s have a ton left over after every paycheck to place into savings for current or future health care needs! Meanwhile the interest on their savings is a fraction of a percentage point while their interest on debt is at least 3% up to sky’s the limit!

Fuck me thats terrible.

Apparently the big talk is replacing the ACA with Health Savings Plans. Health Savings Plans mean you put your own money into an account and that is what you have for healthcare. YOU paying for your healthcare. That means YOU pay for chemotherapy... YOU pay for all surgeries and hospitalization... YOU pay for all your

I’m so fucking angry. My parents were finally able to afford healthcare for the first time since we lost our house during the housing crisis. ACA obviously has problems, but the solution has never been snatching away healthcare from people who desparately need it.

We just elected someone who sees nothing wrong with sexual assault to the highest office - We don’t have time to determine if every marcher is a vegan, hybrid-driving, LBGQT-bestest ally, white-privilege super-aware, hard core feminist enough protester. If you are upset that this horrible example of humanity if about

To be fair, refusing to consume dairy products is considered seditious by most Swiss.

I’m torn between my belief in freedom of expression and my sheer annoyance towards a certain type of vegan.

Okay, this is just bizarre. Some questions I have:

Buzzfeed, Teen Vogue & Cosmo are hard hitting journalistic outlets now. Let that sink in.

I just cannot believe I’m sitting here cheering for BuzzFeed, which I could have sworn just yesterday was a blog for cat videos and jokes about how hard “adulting” is.

Our President called out the divisiveness that’s led us to our current state of being. He mentioned white middle-class men specifically. Because he knows score-settlers like you in the liberal camp.

“You act like a white woman who doesn’t want to address race is not just tool of tacit white supremacy, the awful and constant state in which we now exist.”