I am literally going to beg you here: PARTICIPATE IN LOCAL ELECTIONS!
I am literally going to beg you here: PARTICIPATE IN LOCAL ELECTIONS!
I’m starting to think Republicans believe that the environment and nature are actually serious threats. It would explain why Betsy DeVos thinks schools need guns to protect them from bears.
This is off the subject but where do you guys think she got that lipstick?
I absolutely hate the idea of ‘women-only’ sections for anything.
You seem confused. I’m trying to imply that they suddenly invented HSAs or that they are anything new. What I’m saying is that there is talk that they will be put into place as the standard.
Apparently the big talk is replacing the ACA with Health Savings Plans. Health Savings Plans mean you put your own money into an account and that is what you have for healthcare. YOU paying for your healthcare. That means YOU pay for chemotherapy... YOU pay for all surgeries and hospitalization... YOU pay for all your…
Well someone’s got to pick up the slack.
“You act like a white woman who doesn’t want to address race is not just tool of tacit white supremacy, the awful and constant state in which we now exist.”
This is exactly why we are where we are. Progressives (and I consider myself one of them) have developed an ‘all or nothing’ view of the world. If a person does not agree with or support EVERY single one of our ideologies simultaneously then we don’t want them.
They also don’t give a damn about local elections. You know, the thing that probably matters most in a representative democracy.
As some one who lives in Madison (Wisconsin’s ‘liberal bubble’ of choice) I can honestly say I am officially sick of this shit.