
I think I missed one election since I was eighteen, and the horrible guilt has seared me ever since. My husband knows that if he wants me to leave him he has to cheat on me, turn out to be a killer with a double life, or not vote.

Amen. I am making it my personal mission to get the people in my life engaged. I live in Louisiana and I drove hungover assholes around all day to vote for Foster Campbell a couple weeks after the election, and at least two said they only voted so they didn’t have to look me in the eye. Damn straight.

Thank you. A perfect candidate does not exist...I repeat, a perfect candidate DOES NOT EXIST. And if one did, I wouldn’t trust that person, because well, no one is perfect. Vote during every election, never ever, ever ever ever rely on any fucking polls that show your candidate is gonna win and think “oh they’ve got

This times 100,000,000,000,000

I think Obama is hitting on a lot of key points in this speech about the importance of participating in democracy.

Luke needs to turn to the Dark Side.

This is exactly why we are where we are. Progressives (and I consider myself one of them) have developed an ‘all or nothing’ view of the world. If a person does not agree with or support EVERY single one of our ideologies simultaneously then we don’t want them.

White women who are attending this rally did not vote for Trump, and it does no good to fight with them as a group.

I agree. This is a big part of why democrats lose elections. The GOP gets everyone to fall in line like good little soldiers while progressives are all over the place, worried about things that may be “problematic.” I am a fan of nuance. I love critical thinking! But shit is real right now and we need to join

Really? Really? Can we ever...EVER stop eating our own? We (progressives) have the biggest single enemy (obvious) to defeat since...Christ I don’t even know who...and we’re still doing this? We’re going to criticize and alienate white people who are late to the party for being late to the party? Now is not the

... I mean, great! More numbers for the ultimate tally, and I hope they take the opportunity to see how outnumbered they are and have some productive conversations with the people around them.

David Bowie was a far more clear-headed visionary than any of the late-90's, self-appointed, “Futurists.” (Remember those assholes?)

I feel like I am having this argument with the Paxmans of VR, they somehow just dont see its potential, even though its going to be an avalanche.

Yeah, I can’t fault someone for being excited that, in an industry that is famously hard to be successful at, they are being recognized as the best at what they do, for this year and this award at least.

I’m not convinced every person up there on the stage thinks it’s the greatest thing in the world or the most important beyond maybe some personal/professional context. Some? Oh yeah most definitely. But there are several celebrities I feel go along with it, happily, but with perspective.

“...it’s an astonishing admission—someone who actually wants to participate in Trump’s inauguration.”

Just wait until the 70-100 year old set realize they can’t pay for healthcare

Why can’t she milk it if she wants to? It’s her traumatic event and she can process it however the fuck she wants. And honestly, she really hasn’t talked much about it publically, most of the “milking” comes from our assumption that it’s going to be covered on her reality show. Literally no other person would we

It’s over. Go home.

Everyone who insisted Kim faked the robbery can queue up here, I have your crow. Eat up!