Neck beard cringe

But but but.... I thought Bush 2.0, was a cool thing at the moment !

So true. Now all CBS needs to do is renew this gem !

I believe the real question is, do majority of cinema audiences like it/ is it so far a commercial success ?........


Does this mean ,Darth vader is alive? / supreme Leader Snoke ?

Matt Damon, has just released a stetement...........

Perhaps he should just try and write a good script, for a prequel/sequel...amirite ?

Utter and absolute nonsense. I am sure Chine would loooove such a Universe.

Actually. i am more excited over this Channing Tatum project !

... & SPACE ...

Came just for this! Thanks for not disappointing an old man !

What do you mean no music videos ?

Good Kinja !

Many Bothans were killed. during the making of this response....

I take it you haven’t watched his Avatar movie ?

So exactly how is this different from that exciting new invention aka Google Glass ?

I am curious if this particular algae is poisonous to the human body or nae ?