Neck beard cringe

Seuss drew the cartoon in response to America not responding to Jews fleeing Nazi Germany in 1941. This is very similar to Syrian refugees being refused entry into the US in 2017.

Actually I believe the Blueray version answered the questions asked about the cinematic version. Although making the ‘Religious’ second in command grossly incompetent was , I felt controversial ....

It is quite satisfying to find a kindred soul with such exquisite taste in cinema !

One question, what about people like us in third world countries who ca barely afford an internet connection ?

Did someone say herpes !!!!!!

Needs more littlefinger !

Is geek on geek violence on the increase ? Or was it just previously under -reported ?

I saw Twillight back in ‘08 in a movie theater. Since then I get this PTSD attacks....I am not sure who I should sue..

Is history repeating itself ? If it is ,I wonder who might resemble Mark Felt in the current white house ?

I feel like his career was a tragedy. Kind of like lynn Minmay in Robotech. They both had potential but everyone remembers only two songs from either artist.

I believe that the poster will look something like this ....

I simply must object at Ser Ron not being higher on the list !

I simply love the idea of House of Spades. If anything it should at least raise the conversation on why so many young africans are fleeing northwards....

Maybe he should just try and enroll back in high school. I’m sure it will be cheaper than running a movie production company...just because .... nostalgia!

Interesting read. Though I would like to learn more about Three kings. Which I believe was a great critique of the gulf war, and raised the “Kurdish Question” in a hollywood context....

I believe the right question is, what happened to making a Modesty Blaise franchise ?

I think this is what the legends answer would be...