
This is a pretty classic story. When people increase their training as it relates to lifting before a meet (or increasing running distance/intensity) they develop microfractures; which if not given enough time to heal can propagate and result in a sudden fracture under stress. Hence the name ‘stress fracture’. Good

For those interested:

I usually just enjoy reading the comments but felt I had to address a couple of things here. The headline is extremely misleading. His surgery did not lead to a serious infection. The fact that the bones in his leg perforated his skin and were exposed to the environment including sweaty equipment is what increases his

Can confirm. This was very close to be a horrible accident. As summer rolls around and the farms are becoming more active I am averaging two amputations a week. Most are just fingers but if you look at the gap between the roller and the diamond pattern metal you can see that if he went in there he would have lost his

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