They have a new editor in chief coming on board. I saw it on Twitter. I’m waiting for the announcement on here. I will say that yesterday, I was finally able to read the grey responses to my comments.
They have a new editor in chief coming on board. I saw it on Twitter. I’m waiting for the announcement on here. I will say that yesterday, I was finally able to read the grey responses to my comments.
Although I am generally not one to promote violence, I wish that just one time when Erika’s hisses and bares her teeth at someone that they’d grab that faux ponytail and dog walk her ass out into the street. I’m tired of seeing her over-the-top thuggish behavior towards people that she knows are too weak or…
It's meant to be degrading.
I’ve been wearing claw clips this whole time (they’re a great way to get your hair off your neck loosely, so it won’t mess up your style). Well.
Boomer here. I love claw clips, butterfly clips, banana clips. I got my first professional haircut in a year after I got vaxxed, so now it’s not quite long enough for a clip. I spent the whole of 2020 in them though.
Am I the only one that hates the term geriatric millennials?
I’ll admit, I started watching the “Real” houswives with my wife mostly as a way for us to spend time together. Now however, I still watch with her but am far more drawn in. We watched the last episode and while Dorito was jawing away I couldn’t help but notice Kathy just off in whatever medicated world she’s in. When…
I would love to see Sutton laugh at her and dare her to hire a hitman with her broke ass. She’s in no position to threaten anyone. She’s going to jail.
Everyone is kissing Erika’s exxxpensive ass because she’s viciously mean and they’re afraid of her. Sutton is her own person, too rich to be afraid of anyone, let alone white trash Erika, now broke ass Erika, and she's speaking her mind. In a remarkably composed way, may I add.
Let’s not forget the best parts of the episode: what’s-her-name throwing an elaborate launch party for 6 people. And the one non-famous person who helped launch the business left after a few minutes. Oh, and Kyle and Kathy talking about how a show that literally nobody watched tore their family apart was pretty funny. …
I haven’t been watching this because I no longer get Bravo, however I do listen to weekly recaps on a podcast. I am living for this marriage fallout drama. Erica probably should have waited a year before filming again. All of this mess is being caught on camera in real time. Timeline wise we are now post the breaking…
Dorit’s accent seemed different again.
I watched the whole thing waiting for Missy to come in on a verse! It ended and I was so confused. Guess I’ll go back and rewatch “Tempo” (Missy & Lizzo) again for the 30,000th time.
Missy Elliott’s City Girls Video
God I love Missy Elliot.
That was the best part of Bourdain. That world weariness but underneath the constant curiosity and fascination with the world. He saw some shit and knew it was always worth the trip.
Double spoiler: So do you.
That was uncalled for.
Of the many celebrity deaths in the last few years, this one easily hit me the hardest. I was in labor with my son when the news broke; if there weren't already too many goddamn Anthonys in our family (damn eye-talians) that would have been some part of his name.