
Wow. You, uh, you just threw that spoiler right out there didn’t you. The entire crux of the film revolves around that reveal. It is way too soon to give away the movie like that without a spoiler warning. I know you have a bunch of these comments already, but it’s worth repeating. You messed up on this one.

I want her to divorce him while in office; cable news would go insane.

...you okay?

Next time someone pisses in your cornflakes, why not empty the bowl, clean it out, refill the bowl and enjoy your breakfast? After digesting a bit, take your meds. Then you can join a forum where people give their personal opinions rather than prattle on and on for no apparent reason on a disconnected Asperger’s

This has been my main problem for the show, since it feels almost like a perverse “wait and see” moment. I enjoyed the quieter mall episode a couple weeks back up until the final reveal of the smoke detector without batteries. It felt like a “don’t forget, Jack’s gonna die!” moment that completely took me out of the

Don’t give up quite yet on the Native American ancestry. These tests are notoriously bad with american indian DNA, and will be until they get a bigger sample pool to pull from. They can be spot on with your other geographic ancestry and show zero American Indian.

Pierogis are unknown? Im from the Caribbean and ive heard of em.

“He wanted me to come play golf with him. At that time, I thought it was a pretty good idea, but since Title IX — it’s not a good idea and so I won’t be playing golf with him.”

Ms. Jenner is the newest spokeswoman for the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party.

I love how Bald people are literally the only people left on Earth that are somehow allowed to be made fun of.

That is so smart. We get so many kids who come in who were pulled over for broken taillight/registration stickers/etc. (i.e. DWB) and wouldn’t you know, the cops smell weed every time and there’s always “clouds” of smoke when kids roll down their windows. You are absolutely correct to put nothing beyond some of the

This is something we could all get behind. But in a day and age where the ACA is constantly under threat, can we motivate a voting base that can’t seem to get past the social issue of legalizing marijuana?

My preference is to use stupidity to make people laugh...so check mate?

You made me laugh - that’s never stupid.

A wireless speaker you pay for, willingly place around your house to spy on your every conversation, then it sells all the data it accumulates about you to profit the manufacturer.

A coffee maker that makes one shitty, expensive cup of coffee at a time...

The only things I remember about DARE were that the cop was super hot and that a girl in my class raised her hand and asked if he had a girlfriend and when he replied “yes,” she asked, “Do you have sex with her?” 😂

DARE was such a crock of shit. No real oversight at all, in high school it was just a platform for some cop to spend 6 weeks ranting about whatever he wanted, from justifying child abuse to implying that Monica Lewinsky was a money grabbing slut. He was trash.

All Trumps best friends have been dead for at least 10 years.