Rat Fink

Hey, it’s been a while! Kinja is so messed up, when I clicked on the comment you wrote to me, it won’t take me to it, so I’m replying here instead. Sometime last year G/O media or whatever they’re calling themselves now took down all the user run sub-sites, so no more Whitenoise or Hackerspace, or any of them.

So, same exact shit as always but 2% shinier.

Jesus Christ, for $1000 you don’t get everything ????

More relevant than a Hellcat Jeep.

what happened to trucks that aren’t so front heavy? Why do they need to be 80% bumper grill and headlights by mass?

By that photo alone, not entirely. Does he have a website?

Also, just a suggestion, either for the logo to be a little smaller or maybe 25-50% transparent. The logo detracts a bit much from the photo itself.

$50 for my iPhone 4? Normally the trade-ins offered value it somewhere between $1 and “please sir, keep that foul thing away from us”.

“But I’ve got these tiny hands.....”

Yeah, Ikea stuff is pretty solid. People who mock the build quality are really just expressing how bad they personally are at assembling things.

I love Ikea and most of my furniture is from their store. Saying that I’m willing to say they had a lot of cheap crap they produced that people purchased because it was really really cheap and now those people think all the items they make are like that.

I went to IKEA for the first time when we visited a friend in Dearborn. I had no idea how huge that place was.


Jesus, California is going to be covered in those.....things

I don’t like those angles. And I can’t explain why... it just doesn’t appeal to me at all.

It is necessary that a practical car be ugly. ^ Prius is at both ends of the spectrum... very practical... very hideous. It’s some sort of conservation law.

Why would you post a picture of a refrigerator in this thread?

“Technology is just religion that biblical scholars don’t understand yet.”

-Ben Carson