The Q-crowd should be pushed off that cliff..
The Q-crowd should be pushed off that cliff..
without resorting to major civil unrest and/or armed conflict.
I don’t see how we move forward as a country without bringing the Q crowd back from the edge of the cliff, and I’m all ears for ideas on how to do that.
This is why I say I take Trump’s efforts to steal the election seriously. There are untold numbers of racist chuckleheads like these two all up and down our entire system of govt and as seen here represent an obvious threat to our electoral process. Yes, I do not take any of Trump’s legitimate attempts to win the…
I thought you were supposed to staple it to a dead baby?
I tried to help one only to be attacked by 3 others wearing bandannas over their eyes
How to help a turtle cross the road?
A fairly large portion of on-road idiocy seems to be performed by drivers of late-model Jeeps. Whenever I’m being tailgated: Jeep. Illegally passed: Jeep. Something about the combo of being high up and having horsepower seems to make them think they are sports cars. They are not.
Used to do this all the time in Oklahoma. Always move them in the direction they were pointing. Nothing quite so stubborn as a turtle.
“Why did the turtle cross the road? To get to the other side.” So i didn’t realize for a long time that this was a suicide joke. i.e. to get to the “other side” was the reason the chicken crossed the road. So take that into account when questioning the turtles motives. Maybe its on the road to “get to the other side”…
And yet no mention of the multiple times crocodilian-like animals evolved. Weird.
This oddly reminds me of a very old Korean game called Yunnori (aka. Yut; 윷 / 윷놀이), which also involves 4 long sticks with carvings on the sides and 8 tokens. Wonder if they’re related in some way....
The Royal Game of Ur (dating back to 2600 - 2400 BC) used d4s with two corners marked for... basically the same effect as a coin flip.
Roman contemporaries of these Scandinavians used cube shaped dice. Those descended from originals that were made from sheep knuckle bones. Those bones come in different shapes and sizes depending on which part of the appendage and which animal they’re taken from. It may be that Romans preferred the smaller more square…
I know it—you’re right. I’m just being a pedant amusing myself. Years of constant internet headlines made it so I couldn’t resist a poke.
In ancient Egypt they had modern dice.
Stick-shaped dice are still a thing in Eurasia, there’s a Mongolian game where you throw sticks with color on one side, and you add up the ones ones with the colored side up, in order to move across a board.
Sadly it didn’t survive it’s last flipping
Sure, but wood rots and not everything gets preserved equally. The board presumably either didn’t end up buried with these, or it didn’t last.
Not far away, etched into a wall, they're sure to find graffiti reading, "Sven is a cheater and licks butts."