
And if he doesn’t get them off, they can fire him for just caws.

Well, if they don’t, they’re just not ready for the market.

Suppose you’re sleeping with an unromantic partner?

Suppose you’re sleeping with an unromantic partner?

Well, it wouldn’t be his problem, would it?

Havre was our go-to place for beer during the 1980 Alberta brewery-workers’ strike.

Unadvisable. There’s a reason for the old saying “farting like a brewery horse”. Flatulence is much worse when it’s a dog.

That lead picture isn’t a lizard. It’s a crocodile. Much different.

That lead picture isn’t a lizard. It’s a crocodile. Much different.

This sort of thing isn’t news - Canada’s been fielding threats of this sort from China for over a year now.

It would have rammed him to death.

Whatever happened to Dark Esther?

Particularly when you consider that one of the characters came back from the dead at least once.

Look at Stephen Fry. Looks like his own father.

Y’know, if you left the door open and the dog ran off, maybe the two of you weren’t meant to be together anyway. Maybe he sensed this before you did and figured a decisive break might be less painful in the long run.

I’d say “sin”, but I’m old-fashioned.

...even with what is by now nearly a hundred year wait...

Agreed. I can’t tell you how much I resent having to break out the Manolo Blahniks, shoehorn them on, find a matching tuxedo, and then after all that have to pay for my own Jello shots.