
Stephen Miller reproduces by manually massaging the exterior ovipositors of Republican women and excreting pheromones designed to mimic those produced by an immigrant woman as an ICE agent tears her child from her arms. Stephen Miller will then store the excreted eggs in a damp skin flap, deposit them in a shallow,

Guess which one is Miller.

In this timeline? Hah! She'll be Trump's next SCOTUS pick and Kanye will be Pope.

As an obvious narcissist with a god complex, Kanye probably thinks he will literally die if people aren’t paying attention to him.  So no.  He will just get more erratic until people give him the attention he craves.

Will it finally make Kanye and his idiot rubber doll wife will go away??? 

“They don’t even have to die...”

They look like the babysitter and the boyfriend that she invites over in a slasher movie.

I’d be okay with them dying.

Did they intentionally try to look as smug an assholish as possible? I’d assume church leaders would at least try for the more pagaenty enthused shit eating grin type thing. Something that looks, or tries to look more warm and inviting.

Truly. This administration has made it impossible to believe anything they say. Remember when the virus was a hoax? And then they turned around and declared a national emergency. Get. On. Point. Sorry, it’s just been bugging me.

Good to remind people that Mike Pence is a christian supremacist and I have no doubt he is filling his corona virus taskforce with “christian warriors” who could give a shit about mitigating the spread of this virus since they most likely believe this is “god’s judgement” at play.

Huxley used ‘pneumatic’ as a stand-in for ‘shapely’ in BNW.

The way my kids act when I wont buy them a toy at Target, now I'm wondering. A craving for pancakes might be a sign.

I bet “Aquaman” give her all sorts of confusing feelings.

I’d have Satan’s baby myself if I could score a good-sized apartment at the Dakota for 1968 prices. Any New Yorker would.

Satanic pregnancy ?

He likes her because, to him, she’s fuckable..and he needs that in a spiritual advisor!

Oh, they know what they did.

She’s a white evangelical so she can say whatever she wants and it’s okay.

The religious right has repeatedly shown that they have absolutely no problem with “cancel culture”. They just don’t like anyone using it for any agenda but their own.