
Well, thanks for the info, guess I was shooting from the lip a bit. But Brookes would barely be within range, and I think that both Shaunavon and Moose Jaw would be out of range or just at the edge of it from the Hat, particularly if you get a contraction of that range with cold weather. You couldn’t go off-piste.

Same here in Alberta. If you owned one in the Hat, the only place you could realistically drive to is Brookes, and why would you want to do that?

Yeah, news to me that “hardon” is an accepted bit of medical terminology. I can’t find it in my copy of Stedman’s Concise Medical Dictionary.

Perhaps the ability to set people on fire with your brain would be more economical.

This has been a right-wing arrogation for a long time. Ayn Rand used to say that you’d have no choice but to become an Objectivist once you’d waded through her books, because rational arguments lead inevitably towards Objectivism (at least if you were intellectually honest and not, you know, a muscle mystic or a

C’mon, now, that’s unrealistic. What the firefighters would say, on top of what you said, is something along the line of “You’ll have to demonstrate to us that, if we pull you out of this burning wreck, you’ll be able to afford to subscribe to our special lifetime Not-Burning-Up-In-A-Wreck insurance. Here’s a remote -

When this happens under public health care, it’s for sound medical reasons, not because someone can’t pay. Which means that the procedure wouldn’t do any good and if the patient underwent it anyway, the outcome would be bad.

You’re right, they both have a distinct smell, especially when present in numbers.

You missed the mini-winter we had for the first two weeks in October this year. At least in SE Alta.

...and more of a scrote.

No, you also have to say “Bully!”. Repeatedly.

Good article. Not at all reassuring, though.

The Racoon Queen? Never. A Don Mills Mall Critter to the core.

Is it possible that the ‘orientalization’ of Bluebeard was due to his being conflated with the Sultan in the 1,001 Arabian Nights? The latter was unequivocally eastern, and also had the habit of slaughtering his wives, although from more purely misogynistic motives - they didn’t have to go through the charade of

Man, that’s like, so deep.

Yeah, man, everyone here has been sitting around looking at their hands. I mean, really looking at them.

They make lube out of hipsters? Who knew.

I think that I will stick with the acoustic bike. I prefer the traditional sound.

I have this persistent image in the back of my mind, of a gene-hacker somewhere working on something like this in his garage. We’ll never see it coming. And given how many people there are now, the number of crazies among them and the availability of DIY gene-modification techniques, it seems more or less inevitable.