This reminds me of coming in to the Phoenix Sky Harbour from the north. You find yourself looking in peoples’ apartment windows.
This reminds me of coming in to the Phoenix Sky Harbour from the north. You find yourself looking in peoples’ apartment windows.
This. Gaslighting involves the intent of making its target doubt their own senses and memories. It involves the creation of an alternate reality.
Well done for not killing it.
A good, brave piece of work. Kudos for writing it.
These little fuckers.
“It’s only anti-Semitic in your head.”
So, this mating thing - any tips?
Well, it’s not like they have a lot else.
No, she’s getting tons of shit for walking the walk as well as talking the talk. If the WSJ (fuck those guys) can ridicule and demean her, they’ve struck a blow against all this climate change crap. Or so the logic (such as it is) goes.
That is the wit.
One of the Magi who attended the birth of Christ is commonly held to have been dark-skinned, although I don’t know how far back this tradition goes. As the Magi are commonly held to have come from the East, though, he is generally not thought of as African.
Yeah, she doesn’t have the depth or charm.
They make me think of Arlo Guthrie in that segment from “Alice’s Restaurant”. You know, the bit when he goes “Kill! Kill! Kill!” at his draft board examination and they immediately decide he’s what they’re looking for.
I see a lot of postings from farmers in Alberta on the local media websites, and they don’t seem to forego all of the bullshit that the Internet has to offer at all. In fact, they contribute disproportionately to it.
My grandfather kept chickens and had a problem with rats. He got a guy in with a ferret. It spent a happy afternoon killing the rats around the chicken shed and then was taken away by its handler. The chickens had to be penned up while the ferret was at work but once it was gone, they could be let into their runs.…
I would pay to watch that.
The books were kind of like that too. Tens of thousands of ironmen, all hailing from a bunch of island that don’t have sufficient area to support more than a couple of platoons. And when anyone goes there, they appear to be wandering through a largely empty landscape.
Agreed - Gene Wolfe’s passing should have been marked.
So, something like this: