
Shade-grown coffee and other agroforestry products actually create small forests in tropical places like Sumatra. This style of growing is ancient. It also protects crops, keeps the soil fertile, provides families with essential nutrients and provides a home for birds. Agroforestry can be done anywhere (Stockbridge

Quitters. The scientific adventurers of the bygone days would have found a way. Admittedly the way would probably have involved dynamite and somebody losing a leg (not because of the dynamite, but because they’d run out of rations and Hop-Along had drawn the short straw), but they’d have found a way to avoid having to

General rule is pure geologists lean toward Deccan traps, geophysicists and planetary scientists like impacts... and paleontologists will argue that KT extinction was the result of multiple factors, including disease and eco-niche changes, since all the evidence is that both dinosaur diversity and total numbers had

The Deccan Traps erupted in at least three phases. The first phase occurred during the middle and upper Maastrichtian (the last part of the Cretaceous) and appears to end before the KPg boundary. However, this does coincide with a period in which the Earth’s climate begins to swing erratically between warm and cooler

Preservation may be a tall order

there was another hypothesis that said the meteor caused the Deccan Traps to start bubbling up. There’s also the point that dinosaur species were already in decline. I rather think that even if the meteor wasn’t THE cause, it was either the final straw or the spark.

My 2 cents - but not nearly as well written as your 1 through 8:

Before the success of her debut SF-and-fantasy novel All the Birds in the Sky, Charlie Jane Anders was a rising star in SF and fantasy short fiction. Collected in a mini-book format, here—for the first time in print—are six of her quirky, wry, engaging best.


Fossil records of all these bizarre species are generally spotty.

well...you can join me....

In keeping with the actions of other Trump appointees, I’m sure they’ll just be reclassified as less dangerous (or just harmless) pathogens, and the ‘problem’ is ‘solved.’ That, or they’ll trot out some speech about how regulations are hurting the profitability of the research and how many jobs they’re destroying.


That sounds like manifestations of some kind of mental illness. I heard a similar story about anorexic/bulimic with OCD who would bag and store her shit.

Well, if they are anything like Brock Turner’s parents, Dan and Carleen, they’ll setup a page so friends and family can help pay for the legal defense of the “tragic situation,” ie rape, that Brock was caught committing. They’ll write tearful letters to the judge describing how their wonderful son is no longer

Honestly, it’s time to start shaming the parents. Didn’t we hear about the supposed issues of Tamir Rice’s parents before the child was even buried? If her parents don’t denounce her then they’re complicit imo. This is where the internets can use its powers, out them all.

We hear ALL these stories about the Becky’s and Jason’s of the world committing these acts, but I never see anything about the parents. Where are they? How did they raise children to be this way? (I mean We know how....praising your mediocre child all his life, but I digress) I just want to know what Kathy and Bill

Pruitt is becoming the modern American version of Trofim Lysenko. And that scares the living hell out of me.

This picture just breaks my heart. Poor baby.

“‘Sound Science’ is whatever I deem it to be, based on the amount of money to be made or lost exploiting it.” The Real Scott Pruitt.