
Thanks for the clarification - it’s been a long long time since I read the Sheffield and I just glanced through the precis.

So it looks as though environmental problems might have been the main driver in the classical Mayan collapse after all.

Glad that I got to see at least some of these species in the wild while they were still around.

Make sure that you always have enough food pills on you at all times. You can find yourself there without warning.

Thanks. You’ve got one to tell the grandkids about.

Yes, it was just a thought. But it’s hard to imagine that his books haven’t been selling lately. While Declare (IMHO) was his best novel and that was some time ago, I wouldn’t say he’s hit the skids since. And I have no more insight into the workings of his mind than you, only having access to the same sort of

Always happy to help a bro pwn the libs.

Another intrusion from the Gernsback Continuum.

The future has betrayed you.

If you were hit by two semis simultaneously while you were on a mortorbike, I’m surprised that you’re in a position to recommend anything. How did you get away with this?

He writes the odd good book and should get some credit for that.

Could be his politics. Powers is pretty right-wing. Baen is the go-to house for that sort of thing. Maybe he’s decided that that’s the audience he wants to reach.

Have been waiting a while to hear someone say something like this. He doesn’t get enough credit.

Agreed, another Bennett is cause for celebration. August would be a good month for this alone, but there’s a new Varley, a new Ford, and a new Schroeder. and some other authors I’m not so familiar with but look like they may repay investigation.

What’s the “filler tissue” that grows to replace lost liver tissue? I thought that liver regeneration involved the production of new hepatocytes (and new hepatic units) - was I wrong?

Actually I think that that’s artistic license on the part of the photographer. But yeah, it’s neat.

Monarch penguins actually reign. King penguins don’t necessarily occupy a throne. Big difference.

No, no, that’s not our line any more. “Science doesn’t advance by consensus”. That’s what the Kewl Kids are saying.

Yes, getting dehydrated without realizing it used to happen to me when I first started doing a lot of outside summer work in a dry climate. A good strong wind makes it worse, as nice as it feels.