What is he claiming Whiplash from doing too many hookers on blow?
What is he claiming Whiplash from doing too many hookers on blow?
Regardless of whether or not this is currently against the rules, it should be. If the quarterback has clearly thrown the ball there should be very little leeway in still allowing the defender to take him down. I think Barr knew that he was close enough that he could still get away with taking Rodgers down.
BREAKING NEWS: Scott Walker has declared a state of emergency for the entire state of Wisconsin.
Oh, and don’t forget Brett Hundley threw an interception on his first pass. Hospitals in the state of Wisconsin better call in their emergency teams.
There is research that says that this is basically just cross wiring in the brain. The feet are next to genitalia in brain geography.
This game had a million mound visits. It baffles me that major league baseball has not put a limit on these yet. If you could design the most boring thing to possibly happen in a major sporting event it would be the coach to walk on the field and talk to his pitcher five times in the same inning. Does MLB just not…
More pitchers should be. One of the few things to genuinely pique my interest in baseball was his game 7. What kind of BS excuse is it that you pitched two days ago to not pitch again? I understand it in the regular season but not the playoffs. More pitchers doing this in playoffs would be a huge improvement to…
Will you stand with Brendan?
Will you stand with Brendan?
Will you stand with Brendan?
Will you stand with Brendan?
Will you stand with Brendan?
Will you stand with Brendan?
Are we sure this guy is a Democrat? This is proof that all politicians are just a bunch of assholes. Look at the guy’s twitter photo. What a giant douche.
Actually depending on where he burned himself, this is excellent proof of natural selection, which is a major tenant of the theory of evolution.
Anybody taking bets on whether Gary Andersen is, like, WAY into S&M? I mean the guy seems to enjoy this torture.
Or you know maybe I was referring to a Pope that is especially known for doing nothing about child abuse? Though I’m really impressed that you know who the current Pope is...
I’m surprised that they didn’t just transfer him quietly to a different diocese. A whole demotion from Saint to Cardinal? Benedict XVI would not approve.