
He's a thought, as a supposed news outlet having "reporters", shouldn't Gizmodo reach out to Adobe to get clarification. This will avoid all issues of poor wording.

I'm curious as to why this was done. I'd much prefer to see images of the birds of prey in the wild, not in some sterile studio.

How bad is the site security if locals can simply waltz in and pilfer what they want?

Who are these people?

That d*@# isn't going to suck itself Hank.

I've always been bothered by the Han in Carbonite image. When Han goes into the carbonite chamber, his hands/arms are tied and by his side. How did they get untied and near his face at the point of flash freezing?

This is the problem with all legal systems, they can't be quickly updated to deal with changes in technology and society.

The DS superlaser derives energy from the hypermatter reactor.

Its in space, just blast the thrusters for a second and unless gravity pulls in off course it will maintain that initial speed and heading indefinitely. There is no drag in space. No wind resistance. No time required to accelerate. The DS has no mass (weight times acceleration due to gravity -which is zero in space).

You'll be stuffed if the robot was programmed in ancient roman where they didn't have a zero, and 1 (i) was the lowest number.

Come on, its only nitric acid. Its not like it could self-ignite or explode if mixed with substances commonly found at a build site... wait a minute.

Wouldn't a Braille keyboard be easier?

They did use an actual fighting style called the Keysi Fighting Method. It isn't flashy but designed to protect the head as much as possible while opening up the defence of your opponent.

I've always enjoyed the talented (and sexy) Tara Strong.

If all law enforcement officers were unanimously law abiding and never dirty, then they could be trusted to search any house when required (probable cause etc). The trouble is they are human and thus fallible. They could plant evidence to frame you; they could trash your house breaking apart your belongings to find

I think you missed the entire point of the linked article. First he didn't trade in a smartphone for a dumbphone, he simply hasn't updated yet. Second (and most important) the article is about the poor use of the technology and asks the question "Why do we need to be connected all the time?"

That is one of the worst looking microwaves (or electronic device for that matter) I've ever seen.

Or you could look however you want and be true to yourself and not worry what other people think. Guys with beards still pick up. My wife is adamant that I not shave off my goatee (not quite a full beard but still highlights my point).

Those actors have no idea on how to actually fight. And since when did Ryu have a kung fu-esque stance with a hand over his head?

That music is terrible. I couldn't get past the first 10 seconds. Will have to watch the video muted just to see Jake's performance.