
Personally I don't see what the fuss is about. I don't care what the URL is when looking for a site. The only thing that matters to me is the location if I am buying something in a certain country (.au, .nz, etc) or if it is government (.gov). Everything else is meaningless.

EDI doesn't die as a result of destruction. I had her in the final assault and when the Normandy crashed on Endor she exited with joker no worse for wear.

"Note: By the way, here's how we are going to play this game in the comments: whoever justifies the Nazis in any way, gets banned. OK? Thank you"

This is a good video until the final line, where the speaker mentions "the future of America".

So we have to guess the words the images represent? There are maybe 25 images on the above page, and I can guess what 8 of them are. Not really useful without the words they searched for.

Now he just needs to flash freeze them with liquid nitrogen mid splash in an effort to keep the "paint plant"

Putting alleged in the title doesn't matter unless the article was written by actual journalists for an actual newsgroup. Gizmodo is a blog, meaning it is basically the writer's personal opinion.

An omnivore with a balanced diet.

I want to see this thing attack ballistics gel.

So the police don't know how to use pens and paper?

How can they determine that coffee consumption is the actual cause for this? Is everyone in the study living in the same environment; doing the same physical activity; eating the same food; of the same race and sex?

Add in miniatures of the seal team and the terrorists and you have a high quality diorama that you can display in the Smithsonian or wherever the constitution and bill of rights are located (I'm Australian so have no idea on their location, but movies suggest they are on public display in Washington).

Which came first, the depression or the Internet usage patterns?

So you are complaining that the serving staff are doing their jobs and adhering to the law?

Maybe he is just trying to avoid contracting "poor talent" from close proximity to Will Ferrell.

DIY kit from China?

I have never spilt a hot beverage simply by walking.

"one extra year for being a cretin with a Facebook account"

A hero, really?

There is no such thing as a samurai sword. I'm guessing you mean a katana.