
That is why we shoot zombies in the head.

She may give Shatner a run for his money, but is nowhere near as classy as he.

If this was a real case, yahoo would have filed this years ago when facebook first came onto the scene so they can get royalties.

Does it leave any residue once it fades away? If it does then it would limit its usefulness.

Who is Andrew Breitbart?

A spoon.

Ubuntu doesn't have a BSOD :P

Just in time for the Zombie-pocalypse in December

The reason for leap years is to realign the calendar. As the year is roughly 365.25 days, after 4 years the calendar would be out of alignment by about a day. Thus the extra day in Feb to bring it back.

Its fairly easy to cut a hole for a door, even if its brick.

I liked the old UI. Mimicking the iTunes and WMP UI is a back step in my opinion.

So basically the video states it is AT&T's fault for not implementing proper security.

So is this encoded to your fingerprint or can anyone's body part be used to complete the circuit? This would be a problem if you lose the card and any finger can activate it.

Who is Jeremy Lin?

The entire thing would have changed if the robber decided to actually use the gun and shoot someone, even in the leg. I doubt they would have thought "rush him- only a couple people will get shot before we bash his skull in". No, they would have handed over their money and cigarettes.

"Dupont actually has to solder on a support rod so he can keep at it"

We shouldn't have to get used to something that pisses us off. We also shouldn't have to use a proxy or VPN to access free content.

That is the incorrect usage of "exceptions proving the rule". It is a legal term that essentially means because there is an exception applying to a specific case, it proves that the general rule exists.

Now he can enjoy a lucrative career with the guards in Skyrim.

Why is the alleged murderer on bail for almost an 8th of the bail set for the alleged accessory to the murder? Shouldn't it be the other way around?