
I'd like to see the D3s set with the same settings as the D1H and see if there is any difference.

" Best of all, the audience doesn't even need to be actively running the app in order for it to pick up on those inaudible signals."

An enterprising baked potato vendor should take this opportunity to move their cart within visual range of these bus stops.

********************** works as a password.

When water evaporates it turns into a gas (water vapour), which eventually condenses and forms in to clouds, which then rains back down to earth. To condense, the water vapour needs to cool. So it could theoretically be possible that the heat from the sun rises to such a degree to heat the earth so that the water

Seeing how you can by a lamp for $25, why would you spend ten times that on this?

If that was the only effect then sure. But it is also used as an anaesthetic (in higher doses), can cause hallucinations, may cause nausea and vomiting, may cause vision issues, etc. Care needs to be taken with dosage, so I would expect this to stay firmly on the prescribed drug list.

Less jargon would be good. I have no idea on what a truck is in regards to a skateboard, so had to look it up.

He should have had the box in the shape of the Ark of the Covenant.


For those prices why not just buy the actual instruments?

I have questions for the conspiracy theorists. If everything they say is true, why would the Masonic Order risk exposure by placing these "symbols" in a very public manner? Wouldn't they hide their plans? If they have this level of influence then why haven't they established the "New World Order" by now?

Interesting that the only comments are for a browser issue and not about the article content.

The label on the sperm jar says "Not evaluated for infectious substances. US FDA warning: Advise recipient of communicable disease risk."

The mace could mash the zombie brain like potatoes. It could shatter the skull and drive fragments into the brain. That is the key to killing a zombie, take out the brain.

Cuts like that take lots of practice. You'll also note that he takes several practice swings before making the cut, something that a zombie isn't going to allow you to do. People don't need to learn the correct technique to bash in a skull with a mace or heavy club. The extensive training and practice required for the

What is wrong with the name Higgs Boson?

I have always failed to see beauty looking at a large clump of buildings with practically zero traces of nature.

Hooray for Agent K.

Apart from Ashton Kutcher I've not heard of these people, not heard of a lot of the services or websites they are famous for, and the sites I do know of I don't use.