
You will watch the oversight group to prevent the politicians paying them to look the other way?

Poor grammar and spelling from a supposed "journalist" in an official article has no excuses. People rely on their spell/grammar checks in Word far too much.

Sooo... when does the hilarious part start? Hell, I'd settle for even a slight chuckle. But it never comes from this vid. Thanks for wasting my time.

The batteries need to be changed.

Looks like someone I know:

Pizza toppings, like sexual activities, all comes down to taste. While you may hate anchovies on pizza and hate anal, many other people have the opposite reaction. I think that is what the analogy was going for.

beer is made from water

I think the more fun question is how much do you need to increase the pressure to flip the car?

The problem with categorising movies is that they rely on the eye of the beholder. Often movies I think are awesome are critically raped, and movies I think sucked are acclaimed.

Isn't it illegal in America to film or photograph a police officer while they are on the job? Or is that just something they want to bring into law?

So why do web developers code for all flavours of Internet Browsers? It takes considerable effort to code for IE6 and IE7 as things that work on Firefox and Chrome don't look the same on Microsoft's browsers. Game developers redesign code to work on Xbox 360, PS3, and PC. While the consoles are standard hardware and

I think I went 20 hours over budget to be worthwhile.

If you have more youthful muscles, which the article mentions is an effect, then you would be less prone to injury. Also cataracts are removed, saving people going blind. So while on the surface you look younger, there are underlying health benefits.

Agreed with writing on a tablet. I find I'm distracted by the possibility of accessing the internet while writing. I write on a laptop with the only internet access being an online dictionary/thesaurus from a tight web filter.

The US Internet habits must be astronomical. In Australia we have a 1.05gb monthly limit and I have never gone over that since I got my smartphone in May. I don't know anyone that has. Simply turning off background syncing and tapping a single button to sync apps when you want them cuts down usage massively. I update

The police have an obligation to keep the peace. They had no idea on the motivations of the crowd as they rushed to the injured person. The crowd could have been hiding weapons to attack police (or the injured man) with. The police were obliged to protect themselves and the injured person from harm. Tossing the gas

Reading the requirements it looks like DARPA is after an armoured hovercraft with jump jets. It will be easy to deflate the airbag and deploy the off road tyres for terrain that a hovercraft can't go over. IEDs based on pressure would be less of a problem. You just need a sudden boost to gain altitude and then use

This is an nice way to help him with technology and shows creativity, but it doesn't make him a genius.

That's because Apple only makes a single device each year at best. Android devices are moving very fast because multiple companies are building devices and releasing dozens per year. This allows Google to update the OS with new/improved features that take advantage of new hardware quicker. The side effect is some